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ELDERBERRY // Meet your Herbal Ally

Black Elderberry, Creamy white Elderflower.

Sambucus Nigra, she honors the ancient knowledge of the dark.

See the dark, rich juice of her berries, staining fingers. Sleep under her for deep comfort and strange dreams of stars and the deep void. The birds love her, and you had better collect her ripe berries before they eat them all!

Her flowers are an ebullient cluster, creamy and yellow, hanging heavy from the branches ready to be gathered. Drink her hot, she’ll heal you one way. Drink her cool, she’ll heal you in another fashion. The spirit of the Maiden sings from the delicate flowers of the Elder tree.

Revered by European Gypsies as sacred, it was said “a tree which can help all the ailments of [hu]mankind…is too precious to burn” (Levy, Common Herbs, 58). Elder works by stimulating the immune response in our body to increases the ability to deal with infections and inflammation. It is revered especially for upper respiratory infections like the common cold and flu, sore throats, and even the flowers have even been reported to heal blindness from nerve damage caused by shock, such as a bomb blast.

The flower is used as a tea, cordial, vinegar, milk infusion, and bath herb. When used hot, as in a bath or tea, she will make you sweat, healing your fever and dilating your blood vessels to make everything flow. Use for a dry fever or a sticky, dry, gunky cough or cold. When used cold, the tea can help with urinary issues by helping the kidneys along and flushing out the urinary system.

The Berry must be cooked or dried – the raw seeds will upset your tummy. A renowned anti-viral, I use her tincture on any given day to help my immune system be as strong as possible. Use the tincture or syrup in abundance at the onset of a cold and all throughout the illness to come out stronger on the other side. The syrup is easy and fun to make—and extremely delicious. For folks with lowered immunity, young children, the elderly, and those wearied from anemia, it can be a pleasurable tonic to take on a regular basis.

The fresh leaves can be steeped in oil to create an external balm for traumatic injuries (physical, spiritual, or emotional), old burns, and hemorrhoids. Please note that the leaves are for EXTERNAL use only.

There have been recent concerns with the cytokine-stimulating properties of Elderberry in regards to Covid-19. While there are no studies that can demonstrate the effects of elder on this specific virus, Elder has shown itself to be true to its form and a practitioner of wise discernment. It is documented that Elder will stimulate Cytokine production when needed, and will inhibit Cytokine production when needed, creating a wholistic immune-enhancing response that adapts and gives what is needed for that moment. There are no studies that Elder, or any herb for that matter, have a causative relationship to cytokine storms. Use your discretion, but I believe Elder to be one of the best herbs for our immune system and do not find cause to cease my consumption of her medicines.

Elder is wise. Elder is our ally when we are feeling afraid of our ability to resist viruses that come our way. Elder gives us strength and teaches us how to discern what is useful and what is not.

In Love,

Susan Marie

This article is intended for educational purposes only. The information provided here should not replace the advice of a licensed medical professional of your choice. Any effects of herbs or foods used by the reader are their responsibility entirely. Use your own discretion and do your research.