Marshmallow // Your Herbal Ally
Marshmallow – Althea Officinalis
Malvaceae (Mallow) Family
Althea is from the Greek althein: “to heal”, and officinalis is plant nerd-speak for “plant with medicinal properties”. Marshmallow is indeed more than just a gooey confection, it is one of the most healing plants in Western Herbalism. The whole plant offers herself to us, from roots to fruits, and in return every system in our body benefits from her soothing, mucilaginous presence.
Mucus is the foundation of health. Without healthy and vibrant mucosal layers in our lungs and digestive systems, our bodies cannot function well. Marshmallow root contains over half its weight in what is called mucilage, and when steeped in water offers a gooey, slimey layer of deeply soothing goodness that can easily be used by our bodies to build health.
Soreness of the mouth, throat, gums, tummy? Mallow can soften and soothe.
Infection of the Urinary Tract? Let Mallow help.
Any and all lung infections – Mallow can fight the good fight alongside your immune system.
Dry, hot, itchy or infected rashes or cuts? Get Mallow on it ASAP.
Having a hard time dealing with the heat? A cold cup of Mallow Tea can keep you cool.
Experiencing nervous tension that manifests as shallow, constricted breathing and tight, upset stomach? Mallow can soooooooothe your worries down to the ground where the Earth will receive them.
Just had surgery and looking for something to help with the sore, dry throat, nausea, and loss of appetite that often follows? Let Mallow gently comfort and protect you as you heal.
Mallow was once known as “mortification plant” for it’s use on wounds that had begun to be gangrenous. An external poultice of the root onto infected wounds can help check deep-seated infections.
Mallow is best used in water, much of her demulcent properties will be lost in tincture form. Try adding dried mallow leaf to your evening tea. My favorite way to use Mallow is as a cold infusion. Fill your brewing jar ¼ of the way full with fresh or dried Marshmallow root. Cover with room temperature water, filling the jar up to the top. Place in the fridge and let steep for 4 -8 hours. If you fancy a sprig of mint in there, it only adds to the fun. Strain out the plant matter and enjoy a hug to your whole digestive system. I use this infusion when I am at that deeply uncomfortable part of a cold where my throat hurts so badly it is painful to swallow, or any time I feel uncomfortably dry and hot.
There are countless reasons to use Marshmallow, I hope you feel inspired to meet her if you have not already and enjoy the deep, nutritive refreshment that Mallow has to offer us.
In Love,
Susan Marie