Astragalus - Meet Your Herbal Ally

Astragalus, Huang Qi, Asian Milk Vetch, Bok kay; all are common names for one of humanity's most treasured herbal allies. Astragalus membranaceus is native to South East Asia, and is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine system. It later became a popular herb in Western Herbalism, where it is known as one of the most effective Adaptogens.

From the Pea Family, she has a lattice of leaves that resemble ribs on a spine, and sweet pea-like flowers. The etymology of Astragalus can be linked to a Greek word meaning "ball of ankle joint" or "neck vertebrae" or "deer hoof", and all of these images are present in the form of this plant.

We use the root, dug in the second or third year of its life and then dried. In TCM, Astragalus is said to support Wei (for) Qi (life force) -- an herb in service to the Qi as a protective shield for a person's vitality. It is also used in TCM to treat kidney disease. In Western Herbalism, Astragalus is also known as a protector, working with the adrenals and the immune system to heal the function and tone of our bodily systems in whole. Astragalus has a history of effectiveness against Lyme Disease if you used in great quantity shortly after a bite or during a bout of weakness. Indeed, Astragalus is a friend to those in need of energy and vitality, and can help end chronic infections, heal anemia, nourish the liver, protect the lungs, and even prevent cancer.

If you are recovering from a longtime illness, cancer treatment, anorexia, surgery, or malnourishment, look to Astragalus. If you want to address getting sick constantly (especially if the lungs are related), anemia diagnoses or symptoms, or just generally recover a sense of strength in your body, look to Astragalus. Please note that Astragalus should not be used *during* cancer treatment, but before and after treatment.

She needs to be in hot water to get at her medicine! A traditional soup herb, put slices of dried root in stocks or soups on a regluar basis to boost the immune system during the winter months. Make a strong infusion by putting 1 oz. of dried herb into 1 quart of just boiled water, steep for 4-10 hours and drink throughout the day. Do this for many weeks if you want to make a dedicated effort to change your immune system functioning and invoke Astragalus' deep energy of protection for your body's vitality. You can also cook the powdered herb in oatmeal, rice, and other boiled grains.

When you are feeling vulnerable, burnt out, weak, and in need of a strong friend -- consider Astragalus as a nourishing herbal ally.

In Love,

Susan Marie

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about herbs to help your energy and vitality become stronger, check out my article Roots for Resilience// Addressing Chronic Stress and Fatigue with Adaptogenic Herbs .